Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The World Longest ________

What is the world's longest apartment building?

The Karl-Marx-Hof in Vienna is the world's longest Gemeindebauten, which in German means 'municipality building', a residential building constructed by a municipality, usually to provide low cost housing.

The Karl-Marx-Hof was built from 1927 to 1930 and measures over 1.1 kilometers in length and has enough room to house about 5,000 people.

Officially the Karl-Marx-Hof is known as the longest single residential building in the world, but to us that translates to the world's longest apartment building.

What was the world's longest balloon chain?

On July 15 2003 a bunch of students, 600 to be more precise, at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore had nothing to do so they started blowing up balloons.

But blowing up balloons was not enough, they also linked them together.

In all 5,239 balloons were blown up and linked together to form the world's longest balloon chain which covered 542.6 meters.

They did have ulterior motives though, they were out to beat the record of a 400 meter long balloon chain set by a bunch of bored Australians in 2001.

We could not find a picture of the world's longest balloon chain, so here's a picture of a short balloon chain.

So what exactly is the longest car in the world?

Length: 30.5 Meters of 100 Feet
Type: Limousine
Designer: Jay Ohrberg of Burbank California

Features: Includes a swimming pool with a diving board and a king size water bed.

Notes: This car was mainly used in films and exhibitions.

p/s=masuk page ni kalu nak tau benda2 lain yang paling panjang kat dunia ni...
click here

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